Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Good afternoon Baltimore¡

Hi,my name is Eduardo Castillero Reyes, I´m twenty years old and I live in Mexico city. I´m studying sociology at Political and social sciences faculty at UNAM.
I am a very curious person, I always like to know about the social enviroment of the people I know.I want to deal with people that knows things that I ignore, and learn from them. I love studying sociology, but sometimes I´m not the most sociable person¡, sometimes I prefer to be left alone with my mind.
I play guitar on a band named "Atomic suitcase", we´ve been playing for more than two years, we play our own music, no covers¡. I love listening Rock music,but I´m always trying to listen to new stuff and I avoid getting stuck in the same music.

 I am very proud of being a mexican, and I think it´s the most surrealistic country in the world, I don´t think that many countries can presume of having a history like ours¡. I know that most of the northern-american people thinks that Mexico is a barbarian country, but I can assure you´re wrong.I want to read all the books that I can, specially the ones that would teach about the human behaivoir.
I like a lot of the United States movies, like "The godfather","Carlitos way" or "The Departed"(you can see that all of these movies are films about crime); but I really dislike some of your war movies like "Iron man" or "Rambo".
I hope that I can a learn a lot of your country and city, Baltimore students¡